Close To One-Hundred

This game is played with cards in HOSTS classrooms all across America. Six cards are dealt out to the player who then chooses the four best cards according to the rules below. Good luck!
6 8 3 2 2 2

Rules: Select four numbers from the values displayed above. Form them into two two-digit numbers which add up to as close as 100 as possible. Then press 'Play'. If your sum comes to 100 exactly, you achieve a perfect score. The farther your sum diverges from 100, the higher the resulting score. For example, a sum of 99 or 101 results in a score of one while a sum of 98 or 102 results in a score of two. The player with the lowest score wins. Asterisks represent wildcard values. No result set will ever contain more than two wild cards.

You are playing against the computer. But this program is designed to always find the combination which results in the lowest score, so you can't actually beat the computer. Your challenge is to not let the computer beat you.

NOTE: If you don't like your ''cards'', you can always click on your browser's 'Refresh' button or here to get dealt a new hand. Or, if this pages bores you, try this one instead!